2024-07-03 21:06:15 +02:00

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#These are the imports that we need for our Neural Network
#Numpy is a powerful array and matrix library used to format our data
import numpy as np
#Pandas is a machine learning library that also allows for reading and formatting data structures
import pandas as pd
#This will be used to split our data
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
#This is used to normalize our data
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
#This is used to encode our text data to integers
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
#This is our Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
#These are the colour labels that we will convert to int
colours = ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Pink", "Purple", "Orange"]
#Read the training and testing data files
training_data = pd.read_csv("training_dataset.csv")
testing_data = pd.read_csv("testing_dataset.csv")
#The Neural Network cannot take Strings as input, therefore we will encode the strings as integers
encoder = LabelEncoder()
encoder.fit(training_data["Colour Scheme"])
training_data["Colour Scheme"] = encoder.transform(training_data["Colour Scheme"])
testing_data["Colour Scheme"] = encoder.transform(testing_data["Colour Scheme"])
#Read the data we will train on
X = np.asanyarray(training_data[['Height','Width','Length','Colour Scheme','Maker Elf ID','Checker Elf ID']])
#Read the labels of our training data
y = np.asanyarray(training_data['Defective'].astype('int'))
#Read our testing data
test_X = np.asanyarray(testing_data[['Height','Width','Length','Colour Scheme','Maker Elf ID','Checker Elf ID']])
#This will split our training dataset into two with a 80/20 split
train_X, validate_X, train_y, validate_y = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)
print ("Sample of our data:")
print("Features:\n{}\nDefective?:\n{}".format(train_X[:3], train_y[:3]))
#Normalize our dataset
scaler = StandardScaler()
train_X = scaler.transform(train_X)
validate_X = scaler.transform(validate_X)
test_X = scaler.transform(test_X)
print ("Sampe of our data after normalization:")
print("Features:\n{}\nDefective?:\n{}".format(train_X[:3], train_y[:3]))
#Create our classifier
clf = MLPClassifier(solver='lbfgs', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(15, 2), max_iter=10000)
print ("Starting to training our Neural Network")
#Train our classifier
clf.fit(train_X, train_y)
#Validate our Neural Network
y_predicted = clf.predict(validate_X)
#This function tests how well your Neural Network performs with the validation dataset
count_correct = 0
count_incorrect = 0
for x in range(len(y_predicted)):
if (y_predicted[x] == validate_y[x]):
count_correct += 1
count_incorrect += 1
print ("Training has been completed, validating neural network now....")
print ("Total Correct:\t\t" + str(count_correct))
print ("Total Incorrect:\t" + str(count_incorrect))
accuracy = ((count_correct * 1.0) / (1.0 * (count_correct + count_incorrect)))
print ("Network Accuracy:\t" + str(accuracy * 100) + "%")
print ("Now we will predict the testing dataset for which we don't have the answers for...")
#Make prediction on the testing data that was not labelled by the elves
y_test_predictions = clf.predict(test_X)
#This function will save your predictions to a textfile that can be uploaded for scoring
print ("Saving predictions to a file")
output = open("predictions.txt", 'w')
for value in y_test_predictions:
output.write(str(value) + "\n")
print ("Predictions are saved, this file can now be uploaded to verify your Neural Network")